Looking Up Adverse Reactions by Batch Number


As reported by The Exposé, the official VAERS data shows that most or all of the serious adverse reactions from the vaccines comes from 5% of the batches:

Robin Monotti et al. have provided a guide to looking up one's vaccine batch number online to retrieve VAERS reports associated with that batch.

I'm copying that guide here to assist distribution. It is slightly reformatted but is otherwise unmodified. The original guide is here:

Robin Monotti+Dr Mike Yeadon+Cory Morningstar Channel
How to find out what harm has been caused by a particular Covid-19 injection batch or lot number. If you want to identify what harm is associated with a particular batch/lot number for the Covid-19 injections the attached is is how you can do it. The UK (MHRA) and EU (EUdraVigilance) do not provid…

Looking Up a Batch or Lot Number

Method to Identify harm caused by specific  batch numbers – Covid-19 Injections

Use this link to perform your search: https://medalerts.org/

Click on “Search Now”

You should then come to a screen like this:

In Section 1 you have a number of options on what you want to Tabulate – this one is set to “Age” below this will tell you the age group of those impacted by the batch number you put in below:

If your search result shows more than 100% in the response to your query it will indicate that something appears more than once eg an individual VAERS record contains the information you are tabulating more than once. Age will always return just 100% so it will give you the number of cases of harm or death associated with your lot of batch number.

Then move down further and click on “Covid-19” on the left hand side (under section 3 “Vaccine Information) and it will then appear on the right – this helps eliminate any risk that your batch number could be associated with any other vaccine over the last 30 years (this is highly unlikely anyway)

In the same section 3 scroll down a little and enter the “Lot number” that you are interested in. In the example below we have included “EM0477” as the Lot Number

You can then just click on one of the many “Find” buttons on the right hand side and it will return your query and the number of cases (deaths of injuries) in VAERS that have been reported with that batch number.

If you want to see how many people have died from that specific batch number scroll down further to section 4 “Event Characteristics” and using the drop down against “Died ?” click on yes and then click the “Find” button again

There are many options that you can pick throughout the query. Under each query result returned on VAERS the individual VAERS reports are located under the search table generated.

Using the example above if you have searched correctly you should come up with the following:

If you just wanted to see those people who died and were associated with this batch you should see the following returned: